I’ve tried resolutions in the past since they seemed like the thing to do at the beginning of the year and everyone was doing it but they’ve never worked for me. Last year, I tried to just focus on a single word and that got cumbersome, too. A few months ago, I thought I’d just key in on a few key  strategic goals for my life in 2016 and do something each day toward achieving them. But those started to seem daunting, so I backed off.

All this coupled with the fact that I often don’t like to put my major hopes and dreams out into this world for all to see means that despite the yearnings inside of me, I sometimes tell myself to step back a bit.

Sure, I have strategic and important things I want to accomplish in 2016. And I hope and pray my life looks a lot different at the end of this year than it does right now. But I’m stuck as to how to declare all of this and with any official-ness.

So I guess I’ll simply make a list of things I hope I can do this year that will make me happy, bring peace to others, and maybe help a lot of us live a better lives in 2016. Here it goes:

  1. Send fewer emails, text messages and IMs but have more conversations
  2. Write at least one thing down on paper, every day
  3. Say how I feel
  4. Make dinner last longer
  5. Get outside every day (walking to the taxi doesn’t count)
  6. Work on under-scheduling myself
  7. Care less about the news (and not care at all about celebrity news)
  8. Banish gossip
  9. Try to understand, no matter what
  10. Be ok with being ok
  11. Honor the past and help others do the same
  12. Look to the future (but not too much so as to miss what’s happening now)
  13. Make fewer lists

What are your thoughts on how to make 2016 a better year than 2015? Please share in the comments section.



Author: 9jaDad

First time father, loving husband and awesome agripreneur

3 thoughts on “NB’S DIARY: IT’S 2016”

  1. I kinda love your no. 7, that was a decision I made to myself towards the end of last yeat..intend to read more books.listen more n love more.stay off social media especially instagram.work less and walk more.enjoy life


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